Mar 14, 2017
Rain Forest Butterfly by Caro Childs
This Butterfly design has a jungle feel to it, I wanted to get away from the usual 'across the eyes' technique with attendant problems of symmetry and introduce a more patterned feel to the design. The dark colours were inspired by Beth's shirt and hence the rain forest butterfly came into being.
This butterfly was painted using Grimas pearlised gold 705 and Grimas bright green 407 and bright yellow 203 in the background. The detail is painted with Paradise Green, black and white.The lipstick and flowers are Grimas orange 503
I mostly used a daVinci no6 pure Kolinsky brush, but I used a Grimas synthetic noS2 for the white dots.
1. Rough blend
of pearlised gold bright green and orange, not all over the face but in the area of the design.
2. Then define outer edge of the butterfly with a broad brush stroke of Paradise dark green. I used a Grimas No8 straight cut sable for this as I find it gives me a line that is easy to sponge off.
Blend the green line into the butterfly wing adding an accent of orange above the eye. If necessary add more green. Paint details and wing outline
using Paradise black,
4. I balanced the butterfly on the other side of the face with a curling construction line that always flatters the face and blended it out using the same dark green. The leaves were painted with a pure Kolinsky No6 sable brush double loaded with Paradise black and dark green.
5. The next stage is one of decorating and doodling, I added more detail to the butterfly wing in black and then orange flowers and white highlights of dots and leaf clusters.
The finished face in close up and with lipstick!