102 Water based make-up 60mls - Small Image 102 Water based make-up 60mls - Large Image

102 Water based make-up 60mls

Product Code: 01-010.102-60



102 Water based make-up 60mls Light Grey.
Useful if you need a consistent colour - good for rabbits.

(Discontinued by Grimas in this size, still available in 25mls or 15mls)

"Grimas Water Make-up is an unperfumed, gluten-free water-based make-up, intended for face-painting and body-painting.
Does not contain any chemical preservatives (such as parabens) or halogenated organic compounds.

Water Make-up can be applied directly onto the skin, but you can also first apply a layer of Grimas Cake Make-up. This has the benefit of allowing the colours of Water Make-up to be applied more evenly and more vividly and also that they are easier to remove later. Cake Make-up dries quickly and does not mix with the Water Make-up.
When you work with Water Make-up Pure, it is important to apply it to a clean, non-greasy skin. This will allow the make-up to stick to the skin better and to keep its effect longer.
Use a brush or a make-up sponge and a little water to make the surface of the colour soft and pasty. Don't work too dry, but do not use too much water. Water Make-up dries within 15 seconds.
Regularly change the water you rinse your brushes in and work preferably with two water dishes: one for light and one for dark shades.
Water Make-up can also be applied to hair, as long as it has not been treated (perm, dye, bleach, henna). Use a toothbrush to do this."

Grimas has discontinued 60mls in this colour, still available in 15mls and 25mls.